Bespoke Elite Leap Programme
Elite Native Writing (11-18yro)

Elite Native Writing (11-18yro)
GCSE/DSE/International Schools
To provide students with a rigorous and stimulating programme in which they learn English and sharpen their writing skills through social issues, debating, popular culture, workspace communication, drama, poems and songs, short stories, and sports communication.
Through this course, you will
- discover the "secret sauce" of exceptional writing.
- discover how to add style to your writing on various genres.
- learn how to make your essay more clear, elegant, and evocative
- learn how to make your comment, review, speech, and argumentative text more persuasive, incisive, and refined.
- learn how to cultivate the unique mindset of an "elite" writer.
- learn how to become a more competent and sophisticated writer.
Range of text types/genres that will be covered in the course
- Essay
- Argumentative essay
- Narrative
- Speech
- Debate speech
- Restaurant review
- Film review
- Letter to the editor
- News report/article
- Article in News column
- Reporting feature article based on interview
- Letter
- Letter of application
- Letter of complaints
- Letter of reply to complaints
- Entry/comments
- Blog post
🍀The Uniqueness of EHLA Elite Writing Course Design and Teaching Flow
For Elite Writing Class (secondary schl), generally speaking, the course is designed meticulously around the following key stages and skills:
Taking Argumentative essay writing skills teaching as an example:
- Introduce essay text type. Stylistic features (formal tone, objective language, persuasive language, structure of an essay).
- How to start: generating ideas, brainstorming, listing pros and cons, researching.
- Start to develop a point of view to use as the main argument. Planning – organising ideas and creating a plan for the essay: introduction, body paragraphs each with a key point, conclusion. Working out logical order of arguments.
- Draft writing. Write the introduction, 2 paragraphs and a conclusion as a group guided writing activity (to serve as a after-class writing task).
- Editing, proof-reading. Checking back for mistakes and looking for opportunities for improvement. Students can work as a group editing a poor/mediocre level essay and working how to improve it.
- Compare two versions, looking at differences between an ok level essay and a great level.
- This could be done cyclically, so students do this planning, drafting, editing and comparison process over 2-3 lessons on one theme/ essay question, before moving on to the next topic.
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